We are now entering the 4th day since the clerical workers began striking at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The longshoremen continue to honor the strike, keeping most of the terminals shut down. There are three terminals (PIER … Continue reading
The West Coast port clerical workers have been working without a contract since their previous contract expired over two years ago (June 30, 2010). Negotiations broke down earlier this month. Clerical workers went on strike at APM Terminals in Los … Continue reading
New York and New Jersey are still recovering from the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. One thing we began seeing at the end of last week as everyone began to account for the devastation, was that the steamship lines were not … Continue reading
All food facilities (foreign and domestic) who have previously registered their facilities with FDA must now re-register. Under the Food Safety & Modernization Act of 2011, food facilities are now required to re-register every two years (from October 1 through … Continue reading
A part of Obama’s Affordable Care Act included a 2.3% excise tax on medical devices. I had one importer inquire about the excise tax today and the method for paying it. Unlike the Federal excise tax on alcohol, this tax … Continue reading