Every shipping vessel that enters and leaves the United States is required to submit shipping records that document its cargo. This information filed to Customs is called “Automated Manifest System” -> http://www.cbp.gov/trade/trade-community/automated/automated-systems/ams. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, most … Continue reading
The Problem The ILWU (International Longshoremen Worker’s Union) six year contract with the West Coast terminal operators (represented by the PMA – Pacific Maritime Association) is set to expire on July 1, 2014. The 2008 contract negotiations were contentious, but … Continue reading
Importers of solar panels are very much aware that solar panels manufactured with Chinese made solar cells are subject to Antidumping and Countervailing duties. Most are also aware than an exception to the AD and CVD duties is if the … Continue reading
We received a message today from one of our long time trucking partners that they will begin charging for waiting time at the terminals. They will provide two hours of free waiting time. However any additional time will be billed … Continue reading
I was at the State of the Port dinner last night. One of the speakers was the Executive Port Director for the port of Oakland. He got grilled by the shipping community during the QA session. Frustrations really boiled over. … Continue reading